
Regarding the Attacks in Israel

In the days since the illegal and inhumane terrorist attacks on Israeli citizens, I have checked in on my friends and former colleagues there, who are in shock and fear and continued danger. Among them and their loved ones here in the United States, there is great sadness, fear and deep concern about what the future holds.

There is no room for moral equivalence here. While there are legitimate debates to be had about the aspirations of the Palestinian people and past actions taken by Israel, intentional terrorism against civilian women, children, and men is abhorrent, can never be defended as an acceptable response, and should be condemned by all. As Hamas brutally kills and captures citizens and parades hostages in the streets of Gaza, our response must be outright condemnation. These acts of terrorism undermine the peace that so many of us desire for the Israeli and Palestinian people.

To residents of the District who have family and friends in Israel, and to any Israelis who reside in or are visiting the District, my thoughts are with you, and I pray for the safety of all. I offer my condolences to the families of all those lost; may their memories be for a blessing.

To members of the Jewish community here in the District, of which I am a part, I share your anguish and fear, and appreciate the efforts of law enforcement as they bolster security at Jewish institutions here. Thank you to Mayor Bowser, Attorney General Schwalb, President Biden and other government leaders for your statements and acts of solidarity.


DDOT is installing bus and bike lanes and new bus platforms along Columbia Road from 16th Street to Connecticut Ave. The project improves bus service on one of the busiest stretches of road in the District. It will make clearer for all road users who should be where, and enhance safety for pedestrians and bicyclists.
We have been legislating wider access to early childhood education for years now, and we are going to have to continue doing it until it is fully implemented.
Council will return from recess on Monday, September 16, and my staff and I have been preparing for the restart of legislative meetings. Here’s what to watch for when Council is back in session.

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