

Learn about Councilmember Nadeau’s legislation, positions, and actions on key issue areas.

It has been a challenging time here in the District of Columbia and across the country when it comes to public safety. As your Councilmember, it is my goal for everyone to feel safe in their own neighborhood. I’m raising my family here in Ward 1, and public safety is one of my top priorities.


Councilmember Nadeau is the Chair of the Committee on Public Works and Operations, which has oversight of more than 20 District agencies, offices, and advisory committees that do the unsung but critical work of delivering everyday services, including the Department of Public Works.


If we want to fight pervasive truancy, prevent crime, fill District jobs with District residents, and help our students succeed, then we must prioritize educator and student wellness, both financially and emotionally, in early childhood, adult education, and at every level in between.


Far too many of our residents struggle with excessive housing costs and displacement. Unless we preserve and build new affordable housing, the District’s growth will come at the expense of pushing out low-income families and people of color, particularly the communities that have made Ward 1 so vibrant and resilient.


As a member of the Council’s Committee on Health, I am continually working to foster healthy communities in the District. I believe in a comprehensive approach to public health, whether that’s through healthy food access, supporting early child development, and environmental safety, or lowering the costs of care.


I have worked to shepherd many transformational transportation projects, including the District’s first 24/7 protected bus and bike lanes, other bike and bus lanes, and improved pedestrian crossings. I’m also working to strengthen parking enforcement and focus those efforts towards getting the most dangerous vehicles off of the road, with stronger authority to boot and tow vehicles.


Our seniors provide community wisdom and are protectors of our history. I consider them one of my most important and vulnerable constituencies. That’s why I’m fighting to keep them safe and ensure they can continue living in the homes and communities they love.


Issues of gender identity and sexuality must inform every aspect of policymaking, from housing to healthcare and beyond. Ward 1 and the District have a deep history of welcoming members of the LGBTQ+ community and a strong network of organizations that serve and celebrate them.

