
Ward 1

Ward 1 is in the heart of the District and includes Columbia Heights, Mount Pleasant, Adams Morgan, U Street, Pleasant Plains, Park View, Shaw, LeDroit Park, Meridian Hill, Lanier Heights, and Kalorama. Ours is the most vibrant and culturally diverse ward in the District, which is one of the things I most love about it and something I fight for every day. It’s also the most compact ward – 89,000 of us living side-by-side and making community.

About Our Ward 

I love playing with my kids in our parks, frequenting our farmers’ markets, and visiting Ben’s Chili Bowl and the 930 Club. Ward 1 is steeped in the culture and history of Black DC, including historic Black Broadway, Howard University, LeDroit Park, and Meridian Hill. The ward is also home to the greatest number of Spanish speakers, a large number of immigrants, and low-income families looking for a better life for themselves and their children. This diversity in the most densely-packed neighborhoods gives Ward 1 energy and vibrancy.

– Brianne

Advisory Neighborhood Commissions

Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners are the District’s most hyperlocal representatives, each representing about 2,000 of their neighbors – usually just a few city blocks. They are elected every two years and consider a wide range of policies and programs, including traffic, parking, recreation, liquor licenses, zoning, and more. You can attend your local ANC meetings – some are online-only and some of them are hybrid. The link below will help you find out about your ANC rep and meetings. You can also get involved; there are unelected roles for interested residents and maybe you’ll even want to run for office!

Find out what ANC you live in, contact info and meeting times.

Police and Public Safety in Ward 1

Ward 1 is served by two MPD districts. MPD’s 3rd district covers most of the ward, while the 4th district is responsible for the Park View neighborhood in the northeastern corner of the ward. Stay up to date on MPD activity by joining the 3rd District email group or attending monthly 3rd District Citizen Advisory Council meetings or the 4th District email group and monthly meetings.

Learn what Councilmember Nadeau is doing about public safety in Ward 1 and the District.


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