
CP25 Committee on Public Works & Operations Activity Report

The agencies under the purview of the Committee on Public Works & Operations are often among the most visible to residents in their day-to-day lives – responsible for trash and recycling pickup to the issuance of business and every other imaginable type of licenses, and holding administrative hearings on claims of damage from potholes.

But, in addition to overseeing these numerous and often mundane but critical services, the Committee has leveraged its oversight in profound ways beyond what most residents typically think of when considering the agencies under its oversight. The Committee is employing DPW parking enforcement in new ways to improve road safety by literally getting the most dangerous cars off the road by towing them. We are using our oversight of DPW’s trash, recycling, and compost collection to play a role in realizing a cleaner environment for our city. Our work with the Office of Human Rights expands protections for workers.

This report highlights some of the major legislation moved through the Committee and some of the oversight activities undertaken by the Committee during Council Period 25.

Download the report [PDF].


We’re in the middle of one of the busiest and most important times in the legislative calendar: performance oversight. This is the Council’s chance to ask the people who run the agencies and offices we oversee to answer key questions.
Protecting the environment has always been a core value for me and important to my work.

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