
Standing Together, Supporting Each Other

I want to start this message by emphasizing that the people of the District of Columbia are strong, resilient and above all, we know how to come together when times are tough. Unfortunately, the latest attack on D.C.’s autonomy, a bill in Congress to repeal the Home Rule Act, is neither surprising nor unfamiliar.  

It comes at a time when our federal employees are being cast out and many of the government institutions we depend on are being gutted. Supports, services and protections for our families, our diverse population of residents, and our environment are being abolished. Taken together, and knowing there is more to come, is a painful truth. 

My colleagues and I are working together with our counterparts across all three branches of D.C. government. We are working with D.C.’s Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton and other allies in Congress. My team in the Ward 1 office is focused on the many ways D.C. residents and programs may be at risk and is exploring how we can mitigate the impact. 

And yet, the most important work I can do right now as your Ward 1 Councilmember is to protect and support the people who need it – those facing unexpected unemployment, in need of rental and other assistance, and whose rights and status are in danger.  

My team has put together a list of resources for those facing unemployment in addition to our other resource pages. My team is on standby to help residents navigate the system to get the benefits they deserve. 

Most especially, I want to thank the many residents of Ward 1 who have reached out to me to ask what I am doing, and how you can help. Many of you are doing this work as well – advocacy and service to those affected, and the daily work of creating, supporting, and improving our community. Thank you. 

Together, we will get through this.  

Brianne's signature

As always, please be in touch (online or 202-724-8181) if my office can be help you as we navigate this challenging time. 


Protecting the environment has always been a core value for me and important to my work.
Eleven councilmembers introduce bill requiring deposits on beverage containers, proven to drastically reduce litter in streets, parks and rivers.

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