Councilmember Brianne Nadeau is passionate about Ward 1 and proud to serve our community.
How can we help?
Eleven councilmembers introduce bill requiring deposits on beverage containers, proven to drastically reduce litter in streets, parks and rivers.

Welcome to my 2024 Progress Report – a look back at how we worked to enhance road safety, build more affordable housing, expand violence prevention programs, and more.

DDOT is installing bus and bike lanes and new bus platforms along Columbia Road from 16th Street to Connecticut Ave. The project improves bus service on one of the busiest stretches of road in the District. It will make clearer for all road users who should be where, and enhance safety for pedestrians and bicyclists.

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Councilmember Nadeau is passionate about Ward 1, committed to expanding affordable housing, strengthening public safety, advocating for her constituents, and improving government services.