
Video: Town Hall with MPD Chief Pamela Smith

Councilmember Nadeau hosted a town hall with Police Chief Pamela Smith where residents were able to ask questions about her vision and strategies for reducing crime in our Ward 1 neighborhoods. More than 100 people attended and over 350 viewed it online. The Chief spoke about how she is allocating police resources – officers, mobile cameras, and other resources – throughout the District, how she’s working to get officers out of their cars and speaking with residents and business owners, and other methods of policing, how her department handles drug arrests, and how MPD works with other agencies.


The Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety heard hours of testimony Monday on how the Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement is managing the violence interruption programs under its responsibility, in light of the recent bribery allegations that implicated Life Deeds, one of the contractors. Councilmember Nadeau attended the hearing to ask questions and to emphasize that problems with one contractor should not be seen as an indictment of all violence interruption programs and contractors.
Councilmember Nadeau sent the following letter to the City Administrator and the Director of the Office of Unified Communications on Tuesday to express her deep concern over the 911 dispatch center's ongoing failure to dispatch assistance where it is needed. She called the failures "alarming and unacceptable."

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