
Statement Regarding Charges Against Councilmember Trayon White 

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Councilmember Brianne K. Nadeau released the following statement: 

“Serving on the Council is a privilege and a solemn responsibility. The charges against Councilmember Trayon White are alarming and disappointing, especially so because I have worked side-by-side with him and have witnessed his passionate advocacy for the people of his ward.  

“While Councilmember White is innocent until proven guilty, this is difficult news for residents of the District, and especially for the residents of Ward 8, who deserve honorable representation. The charges are also harmful to public trust in the Council. 

“I support Chairman Mendelson’s plan for an ad hoc committee to assess the allegations and make recommendations to the full Council for possible action. And I support his plan to remove Councilmember White from his committee, which has direct involvement with the contracts he is accused of trying to influence.” 



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