
Nadeau reintroduces bills on housing, parking, taxes

Also public safety, the use of solitary confinement, sexual harassment, and theatrical wrestling

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Among the legislation the D.C. Council considers in the new Council Period will be some familiar bill titles. Councilmember Brianne K. Nadeau, D-Ward 1, has introduced 10 bills that were introduced in the previous session but did not get votes by the full Council.

The proposed legislation includes measures affecting taxes, public safety, housing, parking, solitary confinement, sexual harassment investigations, and theatrical wrestling.

Due to the Council’s packed agendas, especially at the committee level, not all bills get a hearing and not all bills that get a hearing get a vote. Bills that do not make it to a full vote by the end of a two-year Council Period have to be re-introduced at the start of a new Council Period in order to be considered.

“These are important measures that affect residents’ lives, some in very profound ways,” Nadeau said. “It is my practice to follow through on legislation where its potential impact is strong and I believe we can be successful.”

The list of bills Nadeau is reintroducing includes the following. Note that reintroduced bills may not be identical to the previously introduced version.

Quasi-Governmental Affordable Housing Production Amendment Act of 2025. Extends the minimum affordable housing requirements that exist for the sale of public land to land owned by instrumentalities of the District, such as D.C. Water, Events DC, and WMATA. Link to the bill as introduced in 2023.

Case Closure and Witness Support Amendment Act of 2025. Increases the minimum reward amount in homicide cases to $50,000 to anyone who provides information or testimony that leads to the adjudication or conviction of a person responsible for any homicide committed in the District; and establishes a Witness Relocation and Assistance Program for witnesses in danger of suffering intimidation or retaliatory violence in connection with their cooperation with an investigation among other things. Link to the bill as introduced in 2024.

Tax and Revenue Commission Establishment Act of 2024. Establishes a permanent Tax and Revenue Commission in response to the failure of recent tax revision commissions to deliver recommendations. The new, permanent commission would be charged with researching and recommending changes to the District’s taxes and other revenues to provide more equity, broaden the tax base, encourage business growth, assess the impact of fines and fees, and increase transparency in the tax code. Link to the bill as introduced in 2024.

Spousal Homestead Exemption Amendment Act of 2025. Provides that a surviving spouse or domestic partner of a veteran may claim the Disabled Veterans Homestead Exemption. Link to the bill as introduced in 2024.

Housing Capacity Preservation Amendment Act of 2025.  Clarifies that review of new construction by the Historic Preservation Review Board cannot result in the reduction of housing units or density below what is permitted under zoning. Link to the bill as introduced in 2024.

Strategic Parking Enforcement Enhancement Act of 2025. Improves parking enforcement in hot spots and congested areas by creating a new Reimbursable Detail Officer program for DPW Parking Enforcement, allowing businesses and organizations to pay for overtime parking enforcement details, similar to the program operated by MPD and ABCA for police details. Link to the bill as introduced in 2024.

Theatrical Wrestling Regulation Amendment Act of 2025. Reduces the regulatory burdens that have made it close to impossible to put on small, independent theatrical wrestling events in the District. These are a long-standing part of the Black queer community in D.C. and the legislation is being introduced in part with the upcoming World Pride festival being hosted by the District this year. The bill defines “theatrical wrestling” as its own class of event wherein outcomes are pre-determined or non-competitive and moves are choreographed in advance. Link to the bill as introduced in 2024.

Sexual Harassment Investigation Integrity Amendment Act of 2025. Requires that allegations of sexual harassment made against executive branch employees, in positions of power, be referred to an independent investigator with experience in investigating sexual harassment allegations. Link to the bill as introduced in 2023.

Eliminating Restrictive and Segregated Enclosures (“ERASE”) Solitary Confinement Act of 2025. Ends the use of solitary confinement by the Department of Corrections. It also limits the use of safe cells, mandates that all residents in a DOC facility receive at least eight hours of out-of-cell time a day, and charges the Department with providing residents mental health services any time they’re placed in prolonged confinement, medical isolation, or suicide watch. Link to the bill as introduced in 2023.



We’re in the middle of one of the busiest and most important times in the legislative calendar: performance oversight. This is the Council’s chance to ask the people who run the agencies and offices we oversee to answer key questions.

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