
Nadeau Bill Provides On-Site Services for Residents in Multi-Unit Buildings

“For many of our non-profit or mission-driven housing providers, on-site services for residents create a stronger sense of community, a connection to community outside the building, and better access to social services,” said Nadeau. “The bill is an opportunity to expand these services to more of those in need, and to foster healthy and strong communities within multi-unit buildings.”


The bill creates a requirement for certain qualifying housing providers to provide on-site services and creates a program that provides funding for these services. Services could be but are not limited to health services, legal services, food and nutrition services, childcare services, education services, after-school programs, social activities that promote community building, or other social service programs that promote healthy and supportive housing. Lack of on-site services can result in residents without access to basic services, undesirable health and safety outcomes, and long-term costs associated with addressing basic needs after problems have been neglected.


Specifically, the “On-Site Services Act of 2019” will require all multi-unit buildings that have at least 20 separate dwelling units, and at least 30% of tenants receiving housing assistance, to provide on-site services. These housing providers can apply for funding for these services through the On-Site Services Program that would be administered by the Department of Human Services. Housing providers can choose to provide services themselves or contract the services out to non-profits that already do this type of work. There is also an opportunity for buildings to apply for a waiver.


The bill was referred sequentially to the Committee on Human Services, which is chaired by Councilmember Nadeau, and then to the Committee on Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization, which is chaired by bill co-introducer Councilmember Anita Bonds. 


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I’ve long fought for affordable housing in Ward 1 and the District, which makes the ERAP situation extremely painful.
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