

Councilmember Brianne K. Nadeau issued a statement on the District of Columbia's right to self-governance.
We’re in the middle of one of the busiest and most important times in the legislative calendar: performance oversight. This is the Council’s chance to ask the people who run the agencies and offices we oversee to answer key questions.
Protecting the environment has always been a core value for me and important to my work.
Eleven councilmembers introduce bill requiring deposits on beverage containers, proven to drastically reduce litter in streets, parks and rivers.
If the bill passes, D.C. would be the first state in over 20 years to implement a beverage container deposit bill.
My team and I have already been working for some time on legislation for the current Council Period 26.
Others address public safety, the use of solitary confinement, sexual harassment, and theatrical wrestling.