
Committee on Public Works and Operations

Councilmember Nadeau is the Chair of the Committee on Public Works and Operations, which is responsible for matters relating to the general operation and service of government, including procurement; human rights; partnerships and grants management; LGBTQ affairs; veterans affairs; administrative law and procedure; consumer and regulatory affairs; recycling; waste management; and regulation of for-hire vehicles.

Committee Members

In addition to Councilmember Nadeau, Councilmembers Robert C. White, Jr., Janeese Lewis George, and Wendell Felder also serve on the Committee.

Performance Oversight

From January to March each year, Council committees hold performance oversight hearings at which councilmembers examine the operations and effectiveness of the various agencies under their purview. They will ask agency representatives to speak about how they have implemented the vision and programs in the previous year’s budget. Members of the public are invited to testify.

  • Thursday, January 23, 9:30 am: Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection
  • Thursday, January 30, 9:30 am: Office of Religious Affairs, Office of Veterans Affairs, Office of LGBTQ Affairs
  • Thursday, February 6, 9:30 am: Office of Administrative Hearings
  • Tuesday, February 11, 11 am: Department of Public Works
  • Wednesday, February 12, 9:30 am: Contract Appeals Board, Office of Human Rights
  • Thursday, February 13, 9:30 am: Office of the Chief Technology Officer, Office of Risk Management
  • Wednesday, February 26, 9:30 am: Office of Contracting and Procurement, Department of For-Hire Vehicles

Budget Oversight

In March each year, the Mayor releases her proposed budget for the next fiscal year, which begins on Oct. 1. This initiates the Council’s budget oversight process. Building on information and lessons learned from the testimony of agencies and public witnesses during performance oversight hearings, each Council committee analyzes the budgets of the agencies under its purview and recommends changes to the full Council.

Any resident can speak before any committee during the budget oversight hearings and members of the committee greatly value the input of residents, advocates, and others. Tell us what you think is working right and what is not working well in the agencies the committee oversees, from trash pickup to safety to parking enforcement, human rights, and more. Visit the D.C. Council Budget Office website for a more detailed explanation of the D.C. budget process.

Read up on the Budget process

Hearing Dates

Check the Hearing Management System

Testifying Before the Committee

Residents, government officials, businesses and others give testimony at hearings and other meetings on proposed legislation that is referred to the committee. The committee may make amendments to the legislation and then send it, along with its recommendation, to the full Council for a vote.

To testify, find the hearing you are interested in and click on “Register to Testify” or “Submit Testimony” in the upper right-hand corner. If you have questions, call (202) 724-7379.

The committee will attempt to accommodate all requests for special accommodations and oral interpretation. Those representing organizations will have five minutes to present their testimony, and individuals will have three minutes to present their testimony; less time may be allotted if there is a large number of witnesses.

You may sign up to testify for all hearings – not just the Committee on Public Works & Operations – at the same link.

Agency Oversight & Purview

Full list of agencies, commissions, and boards under the committee’s oversight:

  • Advisory Board on Veterans Affairs for the District of Columbia
  • Advisory Committee on Street Harassment
  • Advisory Committee to the Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Affairs
  • Commission on Fashion Arts and Events
  • Commission on Human Rights
  • Contract Appeals Board
  • Department of For-Hire Vehicles
  • Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection
  • Department of Public Works
  • Deputy Mayor for Operations and Infrastructure, shared jointly with the Committee on Transportation and Environment
  • Emancipation Commemoration Commission
  • For-Hire Vehicle Advisory Council
  • Interfaith Council
  • Office of Administrative Hearings, including the Advisory Committee to the Office of Administrative Hearings and the Commission on Selection and Tenure of Administrative Law Judges
  • Office of Community Affairs
  • Office of Contracting and Procurement
  • Office of Human Rights
  • Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Affairs
  • Office of Partnerships and Grants Services
  • Office of Risk Management
  • Office of the Chief Technology Officer
  • Office of Veterans Affairs
  • Office on Religious Affairs

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