
Fighting for Rosemount

Amanda Chulick, legislative analyst, spoke on Councilmember Nadeau’s behalf at the April 6, 2024 Rally for Rosemount. Councilmember Nadeau has been working with Rosemount Center, parents, the Mayor’s Office, and others to save the early childhood bilingual education center from closure and has filed legislation to authorize the Mayor to purchase the property from the House of Mercy or negotiate a lease agreement. Read more about the Councilmember’s efforts. Read Amanda’s remarks below.

My name is Amanda Chulick and I am so pleased to be here today on behalf of Ward 1 Councilmember Brianne Nadeau who had planned to attend the original rally date but unfortunately had a prior engagement scheduled for today’s rain date.

I would like to start by recognizing the incredible Rosemount community. Thank you for your tireless work and advocacy. It is because of your passion that we have made so much progress towards a bright future for Rosemount.

As a Latina born and raised in Mount Pleasant, I have a special connection to this multicultural community. My mom being very committed to my education, made sure that I received not only the best education possible, but that I went to a quality bilingual ECE, Little Flower on 16th. Then we camped overnight outside of Oyster Adams to be first in line, so I could grow and learn in an environment that was culturally diverse and inclusive.

Similarly, it is Rosemount’s commitment to offering our kids a quality education in a safe, enriching multilingual environment that ignites the parents and community to rally behind them. Rosemount also offers affordable, high-quality services to a diverse population of families, many of whom have been historically underserved and might otherwise not have this opportunity for their kids.

As a longtime supporter of maintaining and expanding early childhood education programs, Councilmember Nadeau recognizes the importance of preserving Rosemount, and has since worked closely with agencies, families, advocates, and school leaders towards a positive outcome for Rosemount.

That is why on February 9th, 2024, Councilmember Nadeau introduced the “Early Childhood Facilities Preservation and Expansion Act”, which grants the Mayor authority to enter into negotiations for lease or acquisitions of certain properties for the purpose of preserving and expanding early childhood education facilities, namely Rosemount and Bancroft.

Just yesterday, Councilmember Janeese Lewis George held a hearing on Councilmember Nadeau’s Early Childhood Bill, where Councilmember Nadeau was able to ask crucial questions of Rosemount leadership, exchange information, and explore potential solutions. During the hearing, we learned that House of Mercy has offered Rosemount a one-year extension in exchange for a payment, along with an option, but not an obligation, to purchase the property after that year. This is wonderful news, and gives us the time and flexibility to explore long-term solutions.

Our hope is that with the continued support of the community and the commitment of the Rosemount board and House of Mercy, we can keep a unique and vibrant ECE facility open for families and children. Thank you all again for coming today to support the Rosemount Center. It has made all the difference!


DDOT is installing bus and bike lanes and new bus platforms along Columbia Road from 16th Street to Connecticut Ave. The project improves bus service on one of the busiest stretches of road in the District. It will make clearer for all road users who should be where, and enhance safety for pedestrians and bicyclists.
We have been legislating wider access to early childhood education for years now, and we are going to have to continue doing it until it is fully implemented.

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