
Statement on Mayor’s Addressing Crime Trends Now Act

“As we work together to reduce crime and hold people accountable, I’ll be reviewing the Mayor’s latest proposal. I’m looking forward to reading the details of her bill, when she shares it with the Council. At least one element of her proposal – the effort to combat retail theft – aligns with legislation I am working on. 

“There are several public safety bills that deserve the Council’s attention now, including Councilmember Robert White’s Whole of Government Response to Crime Act, which I co-sponsored, my bill to increase recruitment to the police department’s Cadet program, and the permanent version of Councilmember Pinto’s public safety bill, which I voted to support in July. 

“In addition, the city must make the best use of the tools it already has at its disposal, some of which could better serve public safety, such as: more use of mobile cameras in crime hot spots, redistribution of MPD resources to areas with the most violent crime, securing full re-accreditation of the crime lab, appointing a permanent director of the Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement, improving the closure rate on homicides, and fixing the failing 911 call center.  

“The District can’t prevent and respond to crime if dispatch can’t successfully send first responders to the scene, the crime lab can’t process evidence, and the U.S. Attorney won’t prosecute. 

“I continue to engage with the police department, the crime lab, and other executive department agencies. I look forward to working with the Mayor and my Council colleagues on crafting new legislation and making our existing ecosystem more effective.”




Councilmember Nadeau sent the following letter to the City Administrator and the Director of the Office of Unified Communications on Tuesday to express her deep concern over the 911 dispatch center's ongoing failure to dispatch assistance where it is needed. She called the failures "alarming and unacceptable."
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