
Ward 1 ANC Redistricting

This is an archived page from a previous website.


Final Map Recommendation as Approved on 3/31/2022

Final Report Transmitted to Subcommittee on Redistricting

Runner-up 6 ANC Concept


See below for Task Force members and more background on redistricting.



Discussion Maps

See below for the three final discussion maps (commission-level). Each discussion does not have to be approved in entirety; elements may be mixed and matched from each. To provide feedback on these maps, attend the Town Hall on Sunday, March 27 at 3pm (link below) or submit written comment to the task force by using the Forum (link below) or emailing [email protected]

Discussion Map A

Discussion Map B

Discussion Map C

Join the Conversation: the Ward 1 Redistricting Online Forum is now live!

Click here to join: 


Quick Links: 

DC Redistricting Online – Make Your Own Map (Reference Guide

*Updated 2/4/22: Office of Planning GIS Training

Final Ward Map (PDF) (Interactive)

Subcommittee on Redistricting

Ward 1 Data – Office of Planning

Ward 1 Census Blocks and Population (PDF)

Historic ANC/SMD Boundaries: 


Draft meeting schedule below, subject to changes or additions. This page will be updated with links for meeting access. 

Meeting 1: Member Introductions

Thursday, January 13, 2022, 7:30 PM – Recording

Meeting 2: Fundamentals of Redistricting and ANCs

Thursday, January 20, 2022, 7:00 PM


Recording – English

Transcript – English

Recording – የስብሰባ ቀረጻ

Recording – Grabación de reuniones

Meeting 3

January 27, 2022, 7:00 PM

Recording – English

Transcript – English

Recording – የስብሰባ ቀረጻ

Recording – Grabación de reuniones

Town Hall 1

Feb 1, 2022 07:00 PM 

Recording – English 

Meeting 4

February 2, 2022, 7:00 PM

Recording – English

Transcript – English

Recording – የስብሰባ ቀረጻ

Recording – Grabación de reuniones

Meeting 5

Thursday, February 10, 2022, 6:30pm

Recording – English

Transcript – English

Recording – የስብሰባ ቀረጻ

Recording – Grabación de reuniones

Meeting 6

Thursday, February 17, 2022, 6:30pm

Recording – English

Transcript – English

Recording – የስብሰባ ቀረጻ

Recording – Grabación de reuniones

Town Hall #2

February 22, 222, 7:00pm

Recording – English

Meeting 7

Thursday, February 24, 2022, 6:30pm

Recording – English

Transcript – English

Recording – የስብሰባ ቀረጻ

Recording – Grabación de reuniones

Meeting 8

Thursday, March 3, 2022, 6:30pm


Recording – English

Transcript – English (Note: transcription services cut off at 7:30pm. Video recording has auto-captions past this time.)

Recording – የስብሰባ ቀረጻ

Recording – Grabación de reuniones

Meeting 9

Thursday, March 10, 2022, 6:30pm

Recording – English

Transcript – English

Recording – የስብሰባ ቀረጻ

Recording – Grabación de reuniones

Meeting 10

Thursday, March 17, 2022, 6:30pm

Member Poll Results

Recording – English

Transcript – English

Recording – የስብሰባ ቀረጻ

Recording – Grabación de reuniones

Redistricting Open House – Present Your Maps!

Monday, March 21, 2022, 6:30pm


Meeting 11

Thursday, March 24, 2022, 6:30pm

Recording – English

Transcript – English

Recording – የስብሰባ ቀረጻ

Recording – Grabación de reuniones

Ward 1 Redistricting Town Hall #3

Final town hall to provide public comment on discussion maps. 

Sunday, March 27, 2022, 3:00pm

Recording – English

(Note: there were technical difficulties with interpreter services and unfortunately, recordings in Spanish and Amharic were not captured. Additional outreach is planned to compensate.)


Work Session

Wednesday, March 30, 2022, 6:30pm

Thurgood Marshall Center, 1816 12th Street NW

Meeting 12

Thursday, March 31, 2022, 6:30pm

Howard University, Douglass Hall, 2441 6th Street NW, Room 0017 ****VIRTUAL ONLY****

Roll Call Vote & Amendments

Final Recommended Map

Recording – English

Transcript – English

Recording – የስብሰባ ቀረጻ

Recording – Grabación de reuniones

Final Map submitted to Council April 1, 2022. 

Ward 1 Task Force Members

For general inquiries and comment on Ward 1 redistricting, please email [email protected]

View the task force Code of Conduct.

View the task force Racial Equity Statement and Redistricting Principles

Member (Current SMD of Residence)

James Turner (1B09)
Lydia Curtis (1A10)
Sheika Reid (1A11)
Camille Glover (1C08)
Santiago Lakatos (1B11)
Marcus Hedrick (1A08)
Ari Gerstman (1A01)
Arturo Griffiths (1D05)
Jon Stewart (1D01)
Paul Jones (1A12)
Amir Irani (1C01)
Peter Wood (1C03)
Amanda Chulick (1D03)
Dotti Love Wade (1A11)
Skylahn Gyampoh (1A09)
Kyean Clore-Byrd (1B11)

Co-Chairs: Camille Glover, James Turner

More on Redistricting

Ward 1’s 2020 Census numbers show that we grew at almost exactly the citywide average, which meant that Ward 1’s boundaries itself did not have to change. This is something to be proud of, as it shows that Ward 1’s neighborhoods continue to contribute their fair share of the significant housing need across the District. 
Ward 1 saw major demographic shifts over last 10 years, with a decline in Black population by about 6,000 residents and a similar increase in the White population. The already significant Hispanic population continued to grow, and the Asian population grew by 2,000 residents, a 70% increase.
These are data points to grapple with, both in our redistricting process and in our policymaking. Ward 1 in 2021 remains one of the most diverse Wards in DC by both race and income, but this is not something I take for granted. We must choose every day to protect and foster that diversity through aggressive investments in housing and community services. 
This redistricting cycle also presents an opportunity to elevate the voices of those racial and ethnic groups more than we ever have before. I plan on having the Ward 1 Task Force work with the Council Office on Racial Equity early and often through its process and incorporate this as a core tenant of its work.
Ward 1 has two of the largest ANCs by number of commissioners, and our ANC boundaries that are sometimes inconsistent with how residents experience their neighborhoods. The boundaries of ANCs 1A, B, C, and D have hardly changed in the last several decades. I am looking forward to hearing from our ANCs and communities about how best to divide up the challenging work of being a commissioner so that Ward 1 has strong advocates working for residents from east to west and north to south.
