
Make Your Voice Heard in the D.C. Council Budget Process 

The budget process is an all-out marathon from late March until early Summer, during which time committees hold budget oversight hearings, agency officials answer questions, members of the public will testify, and councilmembers discuss, debate, and vote on the FY 2024 budget.

You are encouraged to testify, submit testimony, and contact your councilmembers to share your feedback on what should or shouldn’t be in the budget. You might be surprised by how much difference you and a handful of residents can make in the legislative process.

How can I get involved?

  • Stay informed. Follow @BrianneKNadeau and our new staff-written account @CMNadeauOffice on Twitter, as well as my budget updates web page for updates.
  • Check out the hearings schedule. On what agencies/programs do you want to share your ideas and feedback? Review the schedule of committee budget oversight hearings. Here’s the schedule for the Public Works & Operations Committee, which I chair.
  • Sign up to testify. Follow the guidance for how to sign up in the schedule above (it’s a little different for each committee).
  • Send written, or recorded testimony. See the schedule above for details or reach out to committee staff.
  • Email or call councilmembers. Email the chair or any member of a committee. Email the councilmember for your ward or any of the four at-large councilmembers and the Council chair. You can even reach out to councilmembers who do not represent you directly. Councilmember contact info. 

What is the budget timeline and when should I participate?

  • March 22. The Mayor presents her proposed budget for FY24.
  • Late March to mid-April. Committees hold budget oversight hearings. This is a great time to contact committee chairs and members.
  • Late April. Committees will hold “markups,” where they vote on recommendations to the full Council, based on what they heard from agencies and residents.
  • Late April to early May. The ball is in the Council Chairman Phil Mendelson’s court now, and this is the time to send him requests to add or cut budget items.
  • Mid- to late May. The first reading of the Chair’s version of the budget will be May 16. Councilmembers will advocate for changes and then take a final vote on May 30. Now (and before) is the time to email any/all councilmembers.

View detailed FY 2024 Budget Oversight Schedule.  

Where can I read the budget?

Read the FY 2024 budget on the Chief Financial Officer’s website and find key budget documents from the D.C. Council Budget Office.


“The Council has gone through yet another budget process while the commission has sat on its hands.”
Yes, this was a difficult year. And we were handed a difficult budget. I’m proud of the work this Council has done to make an unpalatable budget better.

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