
Letter in Support of a Public Library as Part of 1617 U St. Development

Councilmember Nadeau and Councilmember Brooke Pinto of Ward 2 have jointly requested that the upcoming request for proposals for the redevelopment the District-owned 1617 U Street NW include a public library. Together they sent the letter below to the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development. The site is currently home to Fire and Emergency Services Engine 9 and the Metropolitan Police Departmentā€™s 3rd District Headquarters. 

This is a great opportunity to further enhance and enrich the surrounding communities. Together with the nearby Reeves Center redevelopment, we look forward to a resurgence of daytime activities in the neighborhood, as well as the addition of important cultural, social, and other amenities that will enrich the neighborhood and elevate the continuing legacy of Black Broadway. 

As part of the amendments to the comprehensive plan passed in 2021, Councilmember Nadeau introduced amendments to the Districtā€™s Future Land Use Map that would allow high density residential uses at the site, making it possible to include the library and a substantial number of affordable housing units.  In January 2023, the Office of Planning filed a report with the Zoning Commission requesting a change in zoning for the site that would effectuate Councilā€™s action and allow for new public facilities, affordable housing, and replacement police and fire resources to co-locate, where the current zoning would not.  

The process of public input for the redevelopment of 1617 U has only just begun ā€“ over many months to come there will be hearings, community meetings, review of proposed uses and design, and approvals at the Zoning Commission, which is an independent body, and the Council. 


The Department of Behavioral Health and partners recently held a community meeting on the proposed Columbia Heights stabilization center. It was an opportunity to hear from DBH leadership about plans for the center and ask questions.
DDOT is installing bus and bike lanes and new bus platforms along Columbia Road from 16th Street to Connecticut Ave. The project improves bus service on one of the busiest stretches of road in the District. It will make clearer for all road users who should be where, and enhance safety for pedestrians and bicyclists.

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