

Since taking office, I have worked with residents and our ANCs to shepherd many transformational transportation projects, including the District’s first 24/7 protected bus and bike lanes, other bike and bus lanes, and improved pedestrian crossings.

I spearheaded the Adams Morgan Pedestrian Zone and Open Streets on Georgia Avenue, as well as a significant increase in funding for Safe Routes to School interventions.

I led the initiative to fund fourteen 24-hour bus routes across the District. Five of them service Ward 1.

Public safety takes many forms, including traffic safety. As chair of the committee that oversees the Department of Public Works, I’ve been working to strengthen parking enforcement and focus those efforts towards getting the most dangerous vehicles off of the road, with stronger authority to boot and tow vehicles, and better coordinate the use of technology, especially license plate readers.

I’ve introduced and supported legislation to block the sale of fake license plates at the source, and make it easier to boot and tow vehicles with fake and expired tags or excessive unpaid tickets.

One allows immediate towing of vehicles with fake tags and obscured license plates; the other strengthens enforcement of food delivery vehicles.
Council member Brianne K. Nadeau (D-Ward 1), who oversees the [the Department of Public Works], says she has been trying to shift its priorities to bad drivers over bad parkers.
Empower is a ride-hailing company and must follow the rules of ride-hailing companies. What’s most important here is that riders and drivers will be protected from the unscrupulous practices of a business that thought it should be unaccountable to anyone.
"The public is rightfully outraged when they see a vehicle with fake license plates out on the street," said DC Council Member Brianne Nadeau, who introduced the Fraudulent Vehicle Tag and Parking Enforcement Modernization Amendment Act of 2024.
A key vote on Thursday moved forward legislation that would allow immediate towing and impoundment of vehicles with counterfeit or obscured license plates.
DDOT is installing bus and bike lanes and new bus platforms along Columbia Road from 16th Street to Connecticut Ave. The project improves bus service on one of the busiest stretches of road in the District. It will make clearer for all road users who should be where, and enhance safety for pedestrians and bicyclists.
Robust transit is critical to the District’s workers, residents, and economy. Especially so in my ward - Ward 1 - which is compact and where proportionally more residents use public transit than elsewhere in the region.
Councilmember Brianne K. Nadeau sent the letter below to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority to share feedback from Ward 1 constituents ANC commissioners on the proposed Better Bus Network redesign.