Sunday Afternoon in Malcom X Park. Photo by Elvert Barnes.
The annual budget is the single most important piece of legislation created and passed by the Council each year. It determines programming, etc. for the coming year. The Mayor drafts a budget and in March presents it to the Council, which holds hearings, makes adjustments, and then votes on a final budget, typically in late May.
March 1, 2024
The District budget process offers many opportunities for residents and businesses to participate. You might be surprised by how much impact your oral or written testimony can have.
Each year I enter the budget season with an eye to protecting programs that serve our most vulnerable residents, achieving efficiencies, and helping District government do a better job of providing the city services people count on every day. I know that progressive policy, fiscal responsibility, and economic growth can be achieved all at once, as long as we have the right approach, do good work, and have some courage.
If you are looking to engage in the Council’s budget process, check out the budget hearing schedule for each committee and agency and go to the Hearing Management System to testify at specific hearings, submit testimony, or view agency responses. The Council Budget Office has a lot of helpful information on how to understand the budget, including a very handy interactive visualizer.
Sunday Afternoon in Malcom X Park. Photo by Elvert Barnes.