
1617 U Street

The 1617 U site is an exciting and significant opportunity for a transformative project that can provide new community amenities and ensure that this corner of Ward 1 continues to live up to its promise of racial and economic diversity. The redevelopment of the site, together with the Reeves Center redevelopment, will enrich the neighborhood through significant new housing, including income-restricted affordable housing and expanded public facilities.

I look forward to collaborating with the Office of Planning, neighbors, and local institutions to create a new community landmark we can all be proud of, one that will add density to the site, contribute to the shortage of affordable housing in this part of Ward 1 and provide new public amenities to help restore the vibrancy of this end of the U Street Corridor.
I want to take an opportunity to dive into the future of an important public site in Ward 1, the Engine 9 Fire Station and MPD 3rd District Headquarters, often referred to as 1617 U Street. I’ve received questions and comments from residents, and I want to address those here and provide information and background on this project. This page will continue to be updated, as appropriate.