
Council Approves Home Visiting Medicaid coverage 

Home visiting programs give new moms services critical to their health and the health and development of their children. This month the Council passed my Home Visiting Services Reimbursement Act, which gives access to these services to families on Medicaid. The new law, passed unanimously by the Council today, supports evidence-based home visiting programs that provide parental coaching and critical health services. Research shows that these are among the most effective interventions available to alleviate the stressors of poverty, which have detrimental impacts on child development and leads to lifelong health disparities.

Read more about this legislation.


The Department of Behavioral Health and partners recently held a community meeting on the proposed Columbia Heights stabilization center. It was an opportunity to hear from DBH leadership about plans for the center and ask questions.
Health data privacy rights have become even more urgent as threats to reproductive and gender affirming care have increased across the country. This data is being weaponized to prosecute people for simply looking for care and many consumers have no idea and no way to opt out.
Councilmember Nadeau fought hard for the excluded worker payouts, working with Councilmembers Henderson and Lewis George

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